December 31, 2010

busy times

Garrett was born Nov 2nd, 7lbs 12oz, 19.5in. Andrew and Brooklyn do really well with him!

Christmas 2010!

Dad with Garrett, one of my favorite pics.

August 16, 2010

School is starting

Today was Andrew's first day of school! We have been talking about it quite a bit trying to get him excited about it and make it so he wouldn't be scared to go. To my dismay, he was so excited that he didn't even give me a hug bye. Then Brooklyn and I drove to the school to get pictures of him getting off the bus and going into school, but we missed him in the mass of kids getting off the bus. I can honestly say that I didn't cry once today though. I'm just so proud that he is growing up and that he likes going to school!

June 21, 2010

Random catching up in the blog world...

So it's been a while since I have made any updates. We have been up to a lot of stuff over the past few months, new jobs, new activities, and new additions to name a few.
It's hard to believe that my "little" Andrew will be starting kindergarten this Fall. Here are a couple pictures that we took when Andrew went to Kindergarten round-up this spring. He wasn't to sure what to think of the whole school scene at first, but he was very excited to get to take a ride on the school bus. "And mom, we didn't even have to wear seat belts!" It's the small things in life that excite Andrew. We met the three teachers, to which I have already picked my favorite, then took a tour of the school while the kids enjoyed classroom activities with the teachers. I wish we could request teachers, but the new principal is not a fan of that process so we'll have to wait and see who Andrew has.

In April, Andrew started baseball practice in Auburn. I thought he would be at a great disadvantage from the other boys because he had never played before and most of the kids had played t-ball the year before. Luckily, he picked up very quickly and is doing well. His league is coach pitched, over hand, with five chances to hit before being out. Andrew has only struck out once that I can recall ... and it was really the coaches fault because the pitches were really high. So now that he has games once to twice a week, we are traveling all over the area and seeing some new scenery on our way to the games. I think the record is 3-2, but I'm not positive. I tend to not get so caught up in the score at this age, just that Andrew is having a blast :)

In other news, I am now a Great Aunt. Wow that makes me feel even older than I did before! My niece Kellie had a little girl the middle of April. They named her Keagan. It sounds like I will be watching Keagan this Fall while Kellie and Korey are taking classes and working. Hence the new job as mentioned earlier.
I will still be working at the church as the Children's Ministry Director, I just get to take the kids with me! While we're on the subject, I have also started doing the accounts payable for our church. Our Financial Secretary decide she would like to move on to other things, so I was asked, given my background, if I could take that over. Now I get the best of both worlds ... doing something that I really enjoy and get to use my creative side - Children's Ministry, and doing something that I went to school for - Financial Secretary.

February 8, 2010

Christmas videos ... finally

Apparently I am a little behind with the blogging :) Life has been a little crazy these days. Between kids, laundry, yard work, gardening, house cleaning, facebook, texting, and blogging I find that I struggle to keep up with everything. The latter three on the list obviously are not on my top priority list so they get put off for a few weeks ... or months.

This is one of my favorite videos from Christmas! Andrew really enjoyed playing his new shooting game with Uncle Brian. We had a full and interesting Christmas season in 2009. We celebrated Christmas Eve with Jeff, Barb, Brian, Ryan, Amy, Caden, Kelli, Jessie, and Barb's parents. Our church service got cancelled because of the snow we had already received and that which they predicted we were still going to have. I was kind of relieved we didn't have service because I was supposed to be the one telling the Christmas Story to the whole congregation. Phewww, put that one off until next year probably.

January 26, 2010


It's been a while since I have taken the time to post anything...sorry to my followers. We have had a busy end of 2009 and beginning of 2010. So busy in fact that we didn't even get Christmas cards out this year. Such slackers! You might ask what has been keeping this blogger so busy, and I would say life. I accepted a new job at our church as the Children's Ministry Director. A fun job most days, but also challenging as we are trying to completely revamp the entire program this year. So far we have knocked down walls to make bigger rooms, to which we still have to decorate, and we changed the curriculum we are using. Two things that seem rather simple, but to those who don't handle change very well it has been a long January. Things are starting to iron out and God is doing some amazing things as WHBC. Can't wait to see what He does in 2010, the "year of the kid" at WHBC!

We hosted our 2nd annual New Year's Eve card party and we are in the midst of planning a Valentine's card party. I love that our families like to play cards. I grew up playing pitch with my grandparents in western Kansas and feel that it has become a lost art to sit around the table with family and friends and enjoy a good ol' game of pitch. My generation doesn't know what it's missing.

We helped a friend celebrate her 30th Birthday a couple nights ago and it hit me hard that I will soon be there. 2009 flew by in the blink of an eye and I'm afraid that is what will happen to 2010 as well. I have been thinking about it and this is what I have come to realize ... I'm old! I will have a kindergartner this fall, yikes! My sweet little Brooklyn will be 4 in August and already has the attitude of a 24 year old (must come from her father's side). My "career" path is no where I thought it would be...still trying to figure out if I'm ok with that or not. After going to my 10 year reunion in 2009, and seeing a lot of my classmates not married, not even dating anyone seriously, and not having kids I just feel old. Hopefully my feelings toward 30 will change, but my guess is not too much.

Here's to you 2010 and all you have in store for our lives!